Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another school project

Claire's class is doing "egg"speriments this week at school. They had to bring in 2 hard-boiled eggs. One was to be left plain to perform various science experiments upon and the other one was to be decorated. But not in the traditional dyed-egg sense. They are having an egg fashion show. You had to make your egg into someone/something- preferably with a play upon the word egg involved. We came up with a space "egg"splorer. We also got the egg carton in on the act because what kind of "egg"sploring can you do in space without a space ship. So here's a picture of our little egg. Claire said when her teacher saw it her comment was "Wow". We hope that means she liked it...

Oh, and we also found out that spray paint reacts with styrofoam. It literally starts to eat right through it. So we had to do some creative decorating with aluminum foil to cover up the damage.