Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Diaper Duty

So I made the comment to Eric the other night that by the time Chloe is potty trained, I'll have been changing diapers for almost 10 years. He decided it would be fun to do the math, so here goes:

We decided to use 8 diapers a day figuring that a newborn typically goes through about a dozen a day, while an older baby seems to use around 6.

8 times 365 is 2920 diapers per year.

Claire was in diapers for 2.92 years, Emilie for 2.67, Elise for 2.5, and Chloe for .83 (obviously just to the present). Soo...

Claire- 8526
Emilie- 7796
Elise- 7300
Chloe- 2424

That's a total of 26046 (approximately).

That's one heck of a lot of diapers. And I still have about 1 1/2 to 2 years to go. Makes me wish I'd considered cloth diapers way back when Claire was a baby to lessen the environmental impact! I guess that's also a good reason to try to potty train Chloe as soon as possible. As if I'd need another reason!


joy said...
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joy said...
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joy said...

ya know i always thought you had your hands full, with the girls, two dogs and eric. obviously, i was mistaken you have too much free time if you have to calculate diaper usage -- i think you need some more pets!!!