Sunday, March 23, 2008


We had a fun Easter today, even though it was cold and snowy! We slept in this morning since several of the ways we could go to church were flooded. Yes, there was one way to get there, but it was way out of the way, and we decided to be lazy. So the kids had a great time with their Easter baskets, and then we got dressed up and headed to my parents' house. We had lunch with most of my extended family. Then the kids had an indoor egg hunt and got more Easter baskets. They were tired when we got home and very happily went to bed. And that's always a nice thing :-) Here's a few pics:

My Peeps Sunflower cake

Chloe loved her Easter bucket. She played with all of her toys and really got into the Easter grass. She was very upset when we took it away after she started eating it.

Elise and her bubbles. She got this excited about each thing she took out of her basket.

Claire and Emilie checking out the stash.

The girls all dressed up.