Thursday, March 6, 2008

Emilie and her tonsils...

Well, I've made the appointment. Emilie will have her tonsils out on Mon. April 14th. Here's the background: Emilie has always had a huge set of tonsils. Even when she was just 1 year old, she snored like crazy and woke up because of it at night. Aside from not getting a good nights sleep, she has also had problems with swallowing because of them. When she was 2 we did a sleep study- where they hook your child up to a bunch of wires, electrodes, and monitors to see how often they snore, if they are getting enough oxygen, how their heart rate is, etc. Not anything terrible, but not a fun night. And its especially not fun with a 2 year old who doesn't totally understand why there's tape and wires all over her. It definetely made me appreciate having healthy kids! I couldn't imagine having to deal with tests and hospitals for any of my kids on a regular basis.

Anyway, that test showed that while she snores, she breathes ok- i.e. no sleep apnea. So the decision was made to watch and wait for a while and see if she grew into her tonsils. Now 2 1/2 years later, she still has very large tonsils, snores, chokes- in other words, nothing has changed. We just had our 2nd opinion appointment today; and everyone agrees, the tonsils and adenoids need to go. The doctors think she'll be much more comfortable without the huge things blocking up her throat. I agree too, but I still hate the thought of my baby having surgery and a 2 week recovery. She will miss 1-2 weeks of preschool and have one heck of a sore throat, but it is supposedly easier on kids at this age than if we wait until she's older. Plus with school starting, I want to make sure she's sleeping well and not going to choke at school. So wish me, uh I mean her, luck. I'll update more about this when it gets closer.


I'm Not Skippy said...

Poor little monkey. As much of a spitfire and she is I can only imagine her coming out of the anesthesia. My niece got really loopy and ran into a wall. . . good luck.

I'm Not Skippy said...

Sorry I got Emilie and Elise confused. Elise is the pistol. . . either way it's fun when kids are hopped up on medicine.

Sarah said...

No problem. Em is our drama queen so I'm sure the whole process will be quite...uh, dramatic :-)