Saturday, November 1, 2008

Last weekend's camping trip :-)

I realized that I forgot to post the pictures from our final camping trip of the season. We went to Springfield, IL. We spent Sat. out at New Salem. It was a little chilly but it was neat to see the town with all the chimneys smoking. It also made me thankful for central heating. I was cold all day! There weren't a ton of people there so the the costumed historians that were out and about in the town spent a lot of time talking to the girls and showing them things. That was really neat.

Sunday the weather was gorgeous. We decided that we just couldn't spend it inside and so we found a great place to go hiking. On Lake Springfield, they have an area known as the Lincoln Memorial Gardens. The trees were beautiful and the kids absolutely loved picking which trail to go on and finding the different colored leaves. They also had benches every so often engraved with Abraham Lincoln quotes which Claire liked to read to us. It was a really neat way to spend a fall day.

New Salem

Walking to the next set of cabins

The girls checking out the school house. They couldn't believe that kids had to sit there for school with no desks or anything to write on. The New Salem school was a "blab" school where the students just recited their lessons and nothing was written down.

Lincoln Memorial Gardens

We're not quite sure what's wrong with Em in the picture :-)
Chloe got a good nap in. We were glad since she didn't sleep well the night before!