Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Over the past week the girls have been bringing me various Mother's Day projects.

Elise brought home a potted marigold and a painting with her hand prints holding some flowers. Both really cute, and she was very proud to give them to me.

Claire brought me home a place mat with a poem on it, a coupon book with coupons for things like clean her room, rub my back, etc. Sounds good to me. She also had to write down the 10 best things about my mother. They had a list on the board at school to help them as they picked their 10 best things. Mine were:

1. you take care of me
2. you spend time with me
3. you give good hugs
4. you give good kisses
5. you play with me
6. you a good cook (yes, that's how it was written)
7. you read to me
8. you love me
9. you are there for me
10. you are beautiful

Also super cute :-)

Then we come to Emilie's mother's day surprises. They began last Sunday with a Mother's day luncheon at her preschool. The kids did a small program for the moms and then we had lunch. Sounds simple. Well Emilie decided somewhere between my dropping her off downstairs and the presentation upstairs in the church that she didn't like her sandals. So you can see from the following pictures what she did during the presentation. She is all the way on the right by herself... glaring... refusing to participate.

Her teachers apologized and said they told her she could take her shoes off when they got done in church, but evidently that didn't cut it. By the time we got downstairs for the lunch part, Em had completely forgotten about her shoes and loved getting to serve me lunch. Oh, well. I actually thought it was kind of funny. And so typical Em. She also made me a flower with the following sentences on each of the petals:

My Mom is 15 years old
My Mom is funny when she makes silly faces
My Mom's job is work on her computer.
My Mom always says "no scratching"
My Mom's favorite color is purple, I mean light green
My Mom and I have fun going to Riverchase

Its amazing the things you learn about yourself. Anyway, belated Happy Mother's Day to any moms reading.