Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just an update...

All of the girls are doing good. Here's the latest:

Emilie is still healing from her surgery. But aside from still needing soft foods and having a bit of a sore throat, she's doing pretty well. She went back to preschool today. She did fine except for snack time when she ate a brownie that had candies on top. We think the candy scratched her throat a little. She started crying, so they called me and had me talk to her. She didn't want to come home though, so she settled back down and was fine after that.

Chloe is a crawling fool right now. She's seriously into everything and gets really mad when you take her away from the latest treasure she's found. I'm not used to this! I've also started weaning her this week. After the rough start we had (she had colic and latch issues), I'm really proud that Chloe and I managed to breastfeed for the first year. I almost gave up a number of times. She just had her very first bottle of formula yesterday at 11 1/2 months. We'll probably cut down a feeding a week so we'll be done by the end of May. I think she's working on getting some teeth finally. She's been crabby and drooly and I can feel her top two teeth right under the gums. Claire and Elise got their top teeth first too.

Claire just went to the eye dr. today. She's been wearing glasses for about two years now. Eric and I are both blind as bats so its expected that all of our girls will be too :-) Anyway, Claire's eyes have gotten a lot worse in the past 10 months so the doctor is wanting to try something new with her in an attempt to slow the progression. Claire is going to be getting bifocals. Yes, old people bifocals. They've found that when you have a stronger prescription for nearsightedness, it actually strains your eyes to read up close which in turn makes your eyes start to adjust for that, which makes you get more nearsighted, and so on. Supposedly kids adjust well to bifocals (and yes, we got the no-line kind so no one will be able to tell) and the lenses prevent the eye-strain, more nearsighted cycle.

Elise is doing well just being 3. She's finally behaving well at preschool. She spent most of the year getting "x"s on her sticker chart for being disruptive, etc. She's not had any "x"s for a few weeks now and is really proud of herself.

We're all enjoying the nice weather and playing outside a lot. I guess that's it for now. Here's a few Chloe pictures I took the other day. She's not usually a ham for the camera so I thought these were cute:

I just like baby toes :-)


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