Saturday, October 30, 2010

Giant City

We took our last camping trip of the year with the Trapp family to Giant City, IL. It is a really neat park with tons of hiking trails and rock outcroppings. The weather was fantastic- in the low 80's in the afternoons. The kids had a great time hiking and climbing all over the rocks. We also got in some yummy food both cooked over the campfire on Saturday and the next day with a fried chicken dinner at the lodge. Thanks to Nikki for the pictures since I forgot my camera!

Ready to hike one of the trails:


Climbing around on the rocks

Chloe- this girl loves to get dirty when we're camping. This picture is probably the cleanest she was all weekend.

Chloe and Sofie- 2 peas in a pod

Group picture: Noah, Sofia, Rylan, Elise, Emilie, Claire, and Chloe

The kids set up stand selling chunks of cedar that Eric and Wade cut up when getting firewood. They were evidently cute enough that a few campers actually came and bought some from them :-P

Ready for the hot lava cakes (brownies cooked in a pie iron over the campfire)