Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting ready for school

After we got somewhat settled in the house, the next task was getting ready for the fast approaching school year. We spent a day shoe shopping, a day clothes shopping, and a day school supply shopping. In some ways it is getting more fun to take 4 children shopping. The girls are getting older, they get excited about things, they have opinions about what they'd like to get. But I must say I don't think I've ever been talked to that much, that loudly, and by that many people at the same time as I was for those 3 days. I had a headache and was exhausted each night! But the girls got all of their stuff and had fun, so I guess that's what its all about. We finished off the week with New Student night at their new elementary school. They were soo excited by the time we left. They got to meet their teacher, see their classroom, and meet their buddy- the person assigned to show them around for the first few days of school. And they got cookies too. Oh and Claire informed me that I couldn't take her picture in her classroom- too embarrassing. I guess we're starting to hit that age now...

At California Pizza Kitchen. They had a great time and declared it was the best food ever. It was even worth being good for- the threat I instated that morning or I'd never take them to a sit down restaurant by myself again... yeah, yeah, I know- but it worked :-)

Emilie in her classroom at new student night

Elise and Chloe in Elise's kindergarten classroom.


trappfamilyoffive said...

I almost took the kids to a a sit down restaurant by myself the other day. I ended up chickening out, and had lunch with Wade. I almost think we are ready for that... Almost.