Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tea Party

Sunday afternoon Claire, Emilie, and I went to the Garden Tea Party fundraiser for Lydia's House. Lydia's House is a charity that provides help for battered women and their children. They do an amazing job and we were really glad to support them even in this small way. Their Tea Party was so much fun. They had children's activities for the first hour and a half that included balloon animals, a duck pond, cookie decorating, a photographer, clay pot painting and flowers. Then they had a raffle and silent auction (some items were for women, some for kids). Then we had lunch and tea while they announced all the winners. It was fun to see all the little girls and moms/grandmas all dressed up. Claire and Emilie had a ball with each and every activity. Here's some pictures:

Claire and her giant flower

Emilie and her monkey

Waiting for our lunch (and yes, Emilie fell down Friday and scraped her face. She's definitely hit the age where she continuously has something scraped or her clothes ripped :-P)

Claire ready for lunch.

Cookie decorating. You can also see the pots they painted and planted flowers in at the bottom of the picture.