Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Claire update

Claire had her first follow-up appointment since her ADHD diagnosis. She is doing really well. Her grades have come up some. She's getting her work done in a more timely fashion. So that means she's getting to go outside for recess and have Fuzzy Friday (a couple times a month, kids who have all their work done, and haven't had any behavior issues get to watch a movie and eat popcorn, or do another fun activity). Her teachers are very impressed with the improvements they've seen at school. Claire's feeling so much better about herself. She said that she feels like she "gets it" now. Especially with math. The school also recently had the kids take a standardized reading test that they do 3 times a year to see how the kids are progressing. Claire went from a year behind and in the below average group to right where she should be for 3rd grade, 7th month. Everyone was very impressed. Her 3rd quarter parent-teacher conference was the first one I've had with her where I left feeling happy instead of stressed!

Eric and I have also noticed that she's a much better conversationalist, and is more confident when she's playing with her friends while she's taking her medication. So we feel that we're doing the right thing with her. The doctor said everything sounds great, and we're to watch this month for changes in the perfectionism issues. They're thinking that a lot of it may stem from her need to have something that she could control, so we're hopeful that she will relax a little now that she's feeling and doing so much better with school. Also, she isn't having any side effects and hasn't had a decrease in appetite. They weighed and measured her today and she's exactly the same as last month. We go back for our next follow-up visit in a month.