Thursday, February 5, 2009

Nothing much...

Sorry its been a while since I've posted. Life has been busy lately. I've also been spending entirely too much time on Facebook. It is so neat to talk to all these people. Some I went to high school with (and a few from before that!), friends I don't see too often, and other friends and neighbors from now. I try to keep this blog mostly about what the kids are up to, so its also nice to have a place where I can talk about "me" a little bit :-) Anyway, I promise to get back on here really soon and do another kids post. For now, here's a few pictures:

Emilie with her class's teddy bear

Elise with her favorite Christmas present. You know the $5 last minute stocking stuffer purchase.

Claire with her new apron on her way to cooking class. Thanks Aunt Sarah, Claire loves her apron.

Chloe being silly.