Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kinda creepy...

Since it is October, I thought it would be neat to share a few pictures of our latest house guest. He (or she?) has set up residence in the outside corner of our garage door. The girls have been checking out his latest creation each morning while they wait for the bus. Eric and I took these pictures last night since the light from our garage lit up his home. We think he's pretty neat (as long as he stays outside!) If you click on the pictures, they'll enlarge. His web is really neat, and he looks orange-red from a distance, but looks tan with the camera. Makes me wonder if we'll wake up with "Some Pig" written in the middle of it :-)

EDITED TO ADD: By request, I looked up what kind of spider this is. It is an orb weaver (common in this area). Possibly a garden orb weaver and probably female (as the males don't get as large).