Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Elise's Halloween party

I went to Elise's preschool Halloween party this morning. She had a great time showing off her pink poodle costume. Each kid got to stand up and tell about their costume. Elise showed everyone her tail, how to walk like a dog, and how to bark. She also helped all the little girls who were dressed as princesses re-tell the Disney story that went with their costume. I told all the mom's that with 4 girls, we definitely have all the "princess" movies covered. She also informed a little boy dressed as a superhero that her dad has bigger muscles than that- LOL! Anyway here's some pics of her enjoying her party:

Showing the kids how to walk like a pink poodle :-)

Wagging her tail

Waiting her turn

Playing bean bag toss- she got 2 of the 4 in the witch's pot

Mmm... Treats