Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brace yourself...

Ok, bad pun. But the news is that Claire's got braces. Yes, braces at age 8. Evidently they do braces a little different than when I was a kid. Now orthodontists prefer to have kids do a year of braces when they're 8 or 9 and then another year when they're 12-13. The thinking is that after your front 8 teeth are permanent ones, they can straighten those and fix any bite problems while you're still growing at a faster rate. This also allows the rest of your permanent teeth to come in straighter, leading to less work later. It supposedly is a much easier way for the orthodontist and the patient. In between the braced years, kids just wear a retainer. Claire will also only have to have her braces tightened every 6 weeks instead of every 4 like we had to. So she's very excited with the thought of getting to change rubber band colors every time and having braces. Although she's complaining a bit about her teeth hurting. The gap in between her front teeth has already almost closed so I can understand the complaints. Here's some pics:

All smiles:

Extreme close-up

And another of Chloe walking, just because...

As for other news, summer is rapidly chugging away. We've been swimming, playing outside, and doing any kind of fun activity (that you can do with 4 kids in between the ages of 1 and 8!). I am just about worn out! My house, which you'll remember I had pretty cleaned up while the older 2 were in summer school, now looks like a tornado hit it. I obviously haven't done too much posting to this blog, and I'm reaching the edges of my sanity. The good news, school starts next Thursday. And preschool, the week after that. While I will definitely miss spending as much time with them, I know that the kids and I are needing some sense of a schedule to our days again! So after we get back into the routine again, I should be posting more. We also have some fun things coming up in the next month or so. I promise I'll keep you posted :-)