Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Well, I think we can finally say...

that Chloe is walking. One day after she turned 14 1/2 months, she is taking 10-15 steps before she falls down. But she's immediately right back up and going again. She is completely thrilled with herself, saying "Yay" and clapping with us. Look out world, here comes the Chloe monster!

The back view. And yeah, I was too excited and got my thumb in the picture.

Just a happy baby picture. Too bad she won't leave any of the cute barrettes I've got in her hair.

Her other favorite pastime. Climbing up the stairs. She's pretty good at up, but hasn't figured out down yet.

Almost there.

The girls Monday after we got home from another weekend adventure. I haven't been blogging too much lately because when I'm not doing something with the kids, I'm just too tired!